Cross-Channel (R)etail
Cross-channel marketing is a form of cross-promotion in which promotional companies commit to surpassing traditional advertisement techniques and decide to include extra appeals to the products they offer. The material can be communicated by any mass media such as e-mails, letters, web pages, or other recruiting sources. This method can be extremely successful for publishers because the marketing increases the ad’s profit from a single advertiser. Furthermore, this tactic generates a good liaison between the advertiser and the publisher, which also boosts the profits.
One of the first steps to integrate cross media tactics effectively into a specific project is to evaluate and examine a customer’s preferences:
When should I contact the customer?
What is the correct time frame to leave between the delivery of my first, second and third message to the customer?
How frequently should I check up on the customer?
If a customer is not responding, how long should I continue to pursue the offer?
Understanding today’s customer having various powerful means available to them, is key for sales conversion. Increase your conversion rate by making a combination of sales channels available to them.
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Affiliate Placements
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